Thursday, April 22, 2010

Devil's Lake trip 2010

Oh my! What a fun day. :) 3 outdoor adventure classes went up to Baraboo, Wisconsin to Devil's Lake. We had a difficult hike but we were with friends so it wasn't too bad. Justin and I took our own nature hike and ended up around civilization. Well not really, just vending machines and stuff. Here is a major fail.
Seriously who puts two guys bathrooms next to each other? The other side had girls bathrooms and they were both locked. Why would you lock a bathroom? Wisconsinites have no common sense. 

The beach where all the "civilization" was located had gnats. Pesky little creatures. They were flying at our faces. So we walked over towards the railroads.

That, my children, is called a "banjo" signal. Justin taught me that. Ahaha!

So overall, it was terrific. My only complaint is that my legs hurt like crazy and my face is sun burnt. Not attractive. Oh well. This trip was worth every minute of it. :)

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